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How to connect Aksu to a WordPress site

Connecting Aksu to your WordPress site allows you to effortlessly publish content directly from Aksu to your WordPress site. This guide will walk you through the simple steps to set up this integration.


Step 1: Log in to Aksu

Log in to the application at https://app.aksu.ai.

Navigate to the WordPress Credentials page

When you have logged in successfully, you should be redirected to the “All articles” view. In the top navigation, you can see a menu item titled “WordPress Credentials”. Click on the menu item.

The "WordPress credentials" menu item highlighted in Aksu.ai

Step 2: Create a new WordPress Credential

Start creating a new WordPress Credential by clicking on the “Create New” button.

The "WordPress credentials" view in aksu.ai

Credential name and description

Give the credential a distinguishable name. Examples:

  • “Mysite.com – myusername – Landing page template (Published directly)”
  • “Mysite.com – myusername – Blog posts (Published in Draft status)”

You can also add a description, if you want.

WordPress credential name & description fields in Aksu.ai

WordPress username and application password

Next, you should add your WordPress username and the application password.

Site URL

Add the full URL of the WordPress site you want to connect to, including the http:// or https:// part. Example:

  • ✅ Correct: https://mysite.com
  • ❌ Incorrect: mysite.com

The "WordPress site URL" field in aksu.ai

ℹ️ You can verify what your site URL is by going to the Settings > General page in WP Admin and checking what the Site Address (URL) field value is.

Post type and status

Next, you need to define the post type and post status you want to use.

  • The standard post types are post and page, but you can also try using custom post types here (e.g. mycpt), if your site requires it.

In the post status field you have the option to push content to your site in either Draft or Published status.

  • If you select Draft, you’ll be able to manually check the content in WP Admin before really publishing it.
  • If you select Published, the content will be published immediately and will therefore be visible to all visitors right away.

The "Post type" and "Post status" fields in aksu.ai

Advanced: Featured image ID, page template filename and REST API base URL

If you want, you can also customize the featured image and page template of the content that will be published.

If you want to add a featured image, you need to enter the numeric ID of the media file. Read more: “How to Get Image ID Number Easily in WordPress?”

If you want the content to use a specific WordPress page template, you need to enter the filename of the template.

  • You can find out the page template filenames either by using a plugin, or by looking at the WordPress theme source files.

Also, if your site uses a non-standard WP REST API base URL, you need to enter it to the REST API base URL field. Otherwise, the default value..


..will be used.

The "Featured image ID", "Page template filename" and "REST API base URL" fields in aksu.ai

Step 3: Test the connection

After you have created the WordPress Credential, you need to test that the connection between Aksu and your site is functioning correctly.

Click on the “Test connection” button to run a connection test:

The "Test WP credential connection" button in aksu.ai

If you entered the correct credentials, you should see a success message after a couple of seconds:

Successful test of WordPress credentials in aksu.ai

If you run into an error when testing the connection, it’s usually due to one of these reasons:

  • Invalid site URL: the URL has to match the site URL exactly – including the https:// part, and if (and only if!) your site uses the www. prefix in the address, it needs to be added as well.
  • Invalid username: Verify that you entered the WordPress username you use to log in, not the display name, email address, etc.
  • Invalid application password: try creating the application password again in WP Admin. Remember: your WordPress user password will not work, you must create a separate application password for Aksu.